The Southwest, beautiful, diverse and vast.

by | Dec 12, 2022 | Road Trippin, Southwest | 0 comments

Utter the word Southwest, and immediately the mind conjures up breathtaking images of towering Saguaro Cactus, vast images of endless vistas and rock formations, monsoon rain clouds looming in the distance, hogans, Indian Ruins, and Cowboys riding off into the sunset. 

But there is so much more to this diverse land that is called the Southwest. I have lived in the heart of this country and have explored the well-known destinations as well as the seldom traversed back roads, always looking for the perfect spot, picture, and place to reflect.  

Now it’s time for me to share my experiences with you. From aiming my camera to sharing my thoughts, I am excited to share my experiences of this stunning land of Enchantment.  

Drive By

Drive By

Driving US Highway 89 in Northern Arizona, I notice something out of the corner of my eye. I slow and turn my vehicle around to get a better look. Out of nowhere, in an abandoned hotel, I saw a reflection in a window, a face looking back at me and beckoning me to...